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DAS Holding has been awarded ISO 9001:2015 Certification for its entire Management Services from QA International Certification Limited, U.K.

This highly regarded International Certification is a proof of our commitment to the highest standards of quality management and is an affirmation of it’s Leadership’s dedication to the continual quality improvement.

DAS Holding has been awarded ISO 14001:2015 certificate in accordance with the environmental management system by QA International on 2th November 2021.

DAS Holding has been awarded ISO 45001:2018 certificate in accordance with the healty & safety management system by QA International on 13th July 2012.

DAS Holding has been awarded OHSAS 18001:2007 certificate in accordance with the health & safety management system by QA International on 13th July 2018.


The Government Board of Q.A. International Certification Limited grants rights to be listed in the Directory of Registered Companies for approved scope of passengers Transportation Via Taxis on 18th September, 2014

The Government Board of Q.A. International Certification Limited grants rights to be listed in the Directory of Registered Companies for approved scope of passengers Transportation Via Taxis on 15th June, 2018

The Government Board of Q.A. International Certification Limited grants rights to be listed in the Directory of Registered Companies for approved scope of passengers Transportation Via Taxis and Management of Related Occupational Health and Safety Aspects on 29th June, 2018

EIFM has been Awarded ISO 9001:2008 Certificate for its Quality Management System Implementation. Certificate Handing Over Ceremony was organized at DAS Holding Office to receive this International Recognition.

YAS Health Care LLC has been awarded ISO 15189:2012 certificate LB-328-MED in Medical Scope of Accreditation by Dubai Accreditation Center on 24th April 2017.


On September 30, 2010, the British Standards Institution (BSI) awarded ISO 9001:2008 Certification to the United Design International (UDI), the subsidiary of DAS Holding. The achievement demonstrates commitment and involvement of the Leadership of DAS Holding towards International Standards to deliver the highest service quality and greater customer satisfaction.

DAS Holding has renewed its partnershp with Dubai Quality Group for third consecutive year on 1st of july 2010.

The leadership of DAS Holding reinforced and clearly demonstrated its commitment towards Quality and Business Excellence by taking a step forward towards ‘Quality Drive’ and becoming the Investor Partner of ‘Dubai Quality Group’ on 1st July 2008 which was renewed on 1st July 2009 and now in 2010 for the third consecutive year.